
CLARINET PERSONALITY TRAITS: Focused, Detailed, Enjoys Working in Groups
Only 20% of students will be chosen for Clarinet



Clarinet Brands / Models (Wood ONLY)
Buffet E-11 (Rental)
YAMAHA 500/600/700 Series
Vandoren M15 Mouthpiece w/ Rovner Ligature

Required Accessories
(Purchased from the music store)
Reed Case - Clarinet / Alto Sax - Black
Cork Grease
Faxx Mouthpiece Patch .5mm - 2 pack
Vandoren CR19 V12 #3 strength Clarinet Reed (Qty. 10)
Runyon 6134 Clarinet Thumb Saver
Hodge Clarinet Silk Swab
BOOK: Essential Elements 2000 for Band Book 1 (for Clarinet)
BOOK: For Clarinet Only - Book 1
BOOK: 5-Minute Theory by Mark Wessels (for Clarinet)
Korg TM-60 Tuner/Metronome with Clip
Wire Music Stand for Home Practice

The CLARINET uses a “single reed” and a mouthpiece to produce the sound. Willingness to purchase or rent a director-recommended clarinet is a MUST! Unfortunately, there are some clarinets on the market whose poor design and craftsmanship will make it next to impossible for your student to succeed. Some clarinet students may be chosen to play Bass Clarinet as 7th graders.

Physical Considerations: One necessity of clarinet tone production is the ability to make the chin flat. Orthodontia is okay, but if a student has an extremely rounded bottom row of teeth, the mouthpiece will be hard to place in the proper position for tone production.

Other Considerations: Instruction in clarinet can be meticulous. Students who are able to focus on and perform a detailed series of instructions could do well on clarinet. Students who have difficulty remembering a series of instructions should avoid playing clarinet.